An array of sensors enables GoBe to understand its environment, where it’s safe to drive, and how to divert around obstacles to reach the destination. Obstacle avoidance means that completely untrained drivers can drive GoBe without fear of bumping into walls or people.
Dots are drawn on the floor where GoBe can safely drive. The driver can click anywhere on the floor and the robot will go there, avoiding obstacles along the way. Mixed Reality is like Augmented Reality, except virtual 3D objects are added into the video stream, and they look like they are placed in the real world. They help you understand what your Double can see, and they highlight important waypoints and objects of interest, such as the Charging Dock.
Stay safe and be present at the same time with GoBe Robots telepresence.
GoBe Robots is part of Blue Ocean Robotics‘ family
GoBe Robots is the leading manufacturer of professional telepresence service robots.